
Newbie wasn’t disappointed

Came across this on a internet search . As we help families who don’t really have much for no matter what reason. So to be able get toys and offer...

Good price

First time dealing with Marthill, very professional next day delivery was super fast.

Toy and kids clothing

As soon I brought a toy pallet and kids Disney clothing pallet the other week I was so excited once they arrived to start to sell them they all went...

thanks lads

I come every year to marthill to stock up. the guys are really friendly and cant do enough. I get me toys and clothing all for the start of next...

Now Working

Lost my job, girlfriend is havin a baby did not know what to do. WheT down to marthill, now working for my self, ebay, facebook and carboots. Making...


Newbie wasn’t disappointed - Posted on: Sunday 06 September, 2020

Came across this on a internet search .
As we help families who don’t really have much for no matter what reason. So to be able get toys and offer parents the price we pay with a lay away choice this seemed the perfect way
Received my 1st pallet of toys And was not bad there was more good than bad . Few items which was a write off but this haven’t put us off so please don’t let it put you off . Worth the risk .
Testimonial By: emma brock — kings lynn, Norfolk, United Kingdom — the community shop