

Staff Very helpful as I have never brought anything like returns before so pleased once I got pallet of Toys home not much damage at all. Great items...

Newbie wasn’t disappointed

Came across this on a internet search . As we help families who don’t really have much for no matter what reason. So to be able get toys and offer...

new items

back to marthill for regular trip, they had new clearance in brought two pallets pets and camping they look great items. sold 1 pallet already. ...

Thanks Guys

I have been a customer of Marthill’s for a number of years now and every time I go there is always a cup of tea waiting there and friendly faces....

Great Product

Visited Marthill for the first time very welcoming staff and great product. Cant wait to visit again. Thanks all xx


Thanks Guys - Posted on: Wednesday 04 March, 2020

I have been a customer of Marthill’s for a number of years now and every time I go there is always a cup of tea waiting there and friendly faces. The guys in the warehouse cannot do enough for you and its always good to catch up with them. I visit once a month and usually take 3-4 pallets with me of the hovers, bedding. The last couple of times in have been in I’ve tried the clearance kids Disney clothing and clearance toys these have sold really well for me people cannot get enough of them so think I will be adding these to my regular purchasing list of pallets.

Thanks as always Dave from Hull
Testimonial By: dave